Alrighty, returning to this blogs true form of past and present postings, here is a present post.
So, over this summer, I've debated back and forth SO many times on what I was going to do about Liv's educational needs this coming fall. I thought of holding off and putting her in school next year, rather than this year since her birthday is only 3 days before the cutoff date. I've thought maybe "No-Name" (read: the BIGGEST school district in the state) school district would get their act together and the 504 would work itself out, it has not. They've sent me a draft of what they'd LIKE to put in place as Liv's 504 and honestly, I'm not even sure WHY they bothered. They kept it as brief and with as little detail as they could legally get away with. I mean one example of it's negligence is the wording for her egg allergy. To quote the "drafted 504" she is allergic to "raw eggs (freshly baked goods)." This presents a big problem for us, Liv is more than just allergic to "raw egg and egg in freshly baked products", my girl can't even come in contact with TRACE AMOUNTS of egg/Albumin/Globulin/Meringue (well, you get the idea...there are a TON of names for Egg listed in foods). None of these names were mentioned in the slightest on the 504. You can see a better list of names for eggs HERE. This 504 also states that her exposure to allergens needs to be limited during times of eating and snacks. Um...again, a NO GO here. "LIMIT"??? Uh, how about no room for error? My last point that I will harp on with the 504 (there are many issues...but I'll keep it brief for you :) ) is its complete lack of mentioning her Epi-Pen. You see, the principal and I have been at complete odds about her Epi-Pen and where it is to be kept. He wants it in the the OFFICE locked up! I told him that I don't care about policy, she NEEDS it with her at all times...ALL times. For goodness sakes, she carries her Epi Pen "on her person" 24/7 as it is right now, she has done so for years already. The point is, when something goes wrong **KNOCK on WOOD/God forbid**, she needs that Epi-Pen within SECONDS in order to save her life. Oh, I'm getting carried away, sorry. Anyway, it seems that it went from us going back and forth over the Epi Pen issue to them just forgetting about it entirely, most likely hoping I'd overlook this issue. Yeah, RIGHT. So....that's that on the topic of the "proposed 504 draft."
On to some more issues at hand with the school district/principal at "no name" elementary. The principal finally contacts me last week requesting to meet with me on 08/13/2010. Seems like this is okay and reasonable, right? Wrong. School registration is on 08/04/2010 and the first day of school is 08/23/2010. This gives me ten CALENDAR days from the meeting til the first day of school. Now, had the principal NOT dropped the ball last SCHOOL year when I went in to start this process...we would have this done ALREADY. I'm a little more than frustrated, in case you couldn't tell.
Now, I don't know a single person that would trust this school with their FA child and Liv's father and I are not about to test their efforts either. What's the decision we've come to?? Home school. Well, sort of. There is a public school that is tuition free and online. Sounds kinda extreme and maybe even a but weird, right? I know, I thought that also, until I checked out the website and spoke with several staff members. Here in CO, it's called COVA (Colorado Virtual Academy). If you would like to read more on this you can check out k12 here. It is fully guided and graded by an actual teacher, I would just be a "guide". Only about 15% of Liv's curriculum will be online. How in the world am I going to do this?? Well, just like everything else I do, with 110% effort. I work part-time in order to balance my work schedule with Liv's schedule (Dr appts with regular Dr's, specialists, emergency situations...just all around gives me more flexibility) and Kindergarten is only part-time. Somewhere in here, we will fit her required hours of school in and be a fully functional family...maybe not sane, but definitely functional. The other perk to this is I can delay her immunizations a bit longer. I know I could sign the waiver for regular public school, but why chance it with so many kids around? This way, it's just us and we can do the immunizations a bit more staggered.
What am I doing about the school?? I'm fighting like hell for the rights of future FA students there is what I'm doing. I'm just fighting them without my child attending there. With all the legislation being passed this summer in Colorado, the school doesn't really have a leg to stand on and I will be the voice our community needs. I can't see backing out now and letting another poor unsuspecting family deal with this nonsense. It doesn't hurt that I'm already an active member of the school's accountability committee which is a group of parents that serves as liaison between the parents of students and the district, bonus for me.
SO, at this point, I am publicly announcing that I've chosen to put Liv into Kindergarten this year, just not at our local public elementary school. As for next year, Liv will attend a charter school in Littleton. The principal of this school is a friend of mine AND has a child with food allergies just like Liv. She is wonderful and she totally understands the needs Liv has. It's just unfortunate that her Kindergarten is already full with a HUGE wait list, or Liv would be going there this year.

I think you are doing the best for you and Liv in this case. When it comes to your childs life you can never be too safe and we all know Liv's history so you are right in being protective of her!
ReplyDeleteThanks for saying that. I honestly had a fear of being judged for this decision, even if it's the right one...there are always people that look at you with those judgmental eyes. :)
ReplyDeleteI think it's awesome that Liv can go to the online school for this year with you as her guide. A friend's son is ANA to milk and also allergic to wheat and apples and she is keeping him home for another year to think about all this... she is leaning towards homeschooling him because of the severity of his allergies. I'd been wishing all along reading of your fights with the school that there was some way you could homeschool. So glad that you can arrange your work schedule to do this for Liv. You are an AWESOME mommy!
ReplyDeleteAwww....Beth, thank you! I feel like I've just darn near beat a dead horse when it comes to the school...ya know? I've been racking my brain for a way to make everything work and this was the best I could find. Her dad and I discussed it and it seems the logical choice at this point. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of you for fighting like that! I always tell people that OTHER people are my biggest problem. I've been trying really hard to say, "life threatening" instead of "severely allegic" like I used to. I am so worried about sending my little E to school. Preschool would start next year and I'm dreading it with a capital D. I panic every time he's out of my sight. Show them the documentary on my site. It freaked me out the first time I saw it about 10 yrs ago--when I thought food allergies would never effect my life. I would hope it helps others to see the same thing it helped me see. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the encouragement! I really needed to read this tonight, Linsey. I'm feeling a bit weary as of late, but I get that way and then I get my momentum back. I just can't end the fight now, even IF Liv isn't going to the school. I can't see giving up all I've done and letting some other poor soul deal with it all. I use "life threatening" vs "severely allergic" as well. People NEED to know that we are NOT paranoid and over reacting!