So, I think we shall call Surgery day (Dec. 16th 08) day one and go from there.
Day one: Pretty much summed up in the past two postings.
Day two: 12/17/08
This is the day that should be easy breezy and we are to be discharged from the LONG as everything goes as planned. In my world, nothing really EVER goes as it should, ha!
That night (from day one to day two) was a long night of no sleep since every 3 hours Liv needed her meds, of course she had trouble going back to sleep, after EACH dose. By sun-rise we're wide awake and Liv's nurse comes to un-hook her IV. They leave the IV in her arm, but stop the drip...just in case. Good thinking.
Breakfast consisted of mashed bananas, applesauce, water and milk. I'm determined that this is going to be a good day. Liv had other plans however, and chose not to eat/drink anything. Nothing. We all let this slide as we figure she is just nervous, and honestly...who could blame her?
Lunch rolls around and yet again...nothing. When I say she refused all food; I mean she sat there, glared from the food to me, crossed her arms and yelled, "NO!" Well, alright....seeing as she isn't taking any foods yet, the doc comes in to give me the good news, we'll be discharged the next day...IF Liv comes around. Deep breaths, this WILL be okay.

Dinner-time. Yep, you guessed it. Still.Not. Eating. UGH! In order to keep her hydrated, Liv gets another type of meal; the IV drip. Finally she goes potty for only the second time that day.
Day Three, 12/18/2008
Another night of no sleep, for the same reasons as the previous night.
Sun rises and just like the day before, Liv is un-hooked from her IV. She goes potty for the first and last time of the day. Yep, just like the day before...nothing, no food and no drink. Ah, this girl has the ability to make me crazy with how stubborn she is!
Three more days pass just the same as these first couple. Nothing but IV fluids and the occasional drink of ice water. Fun.
Day six 12/22/08
We have both HAD it. We. Are. Going. Nuts.
I'm not entirely sure how we've survived this long with any sanity in tact, honestly. We traveled the hospital in the red wagons they have, toured the main floor during the holiday events, went to volunteer gifting events, went from playrooms to playrooms on all different floors, we did crafts, had a LOT of special visitors and we sat around...waiting for Liv to decide to eat. Being in the hospital during the holidays was really a mixed blessing, there were tons of visitors and charity events going on. Honestly, it was one of the most humbling experiences in my life and lead me to volunteer as much as I do today.
Then it happened, that evening the Dr came in to visit us, still in awe of just how stubborn Liv really is. I plead with her to let us go home, I tell her I just KNOW Liv will eat at home where she is comfortable. Doc agrees, under one condition...Liv MUST eat/drink TWO slushies before bed time AND potty. Oh, this is GAME time and I put on my best game face. The nurses and I conspired to make a pretty tasty slushy consisting of crushed popsicles and Sprite. Okay, so they make these all the time for kids, but we all sat around drinking these in front of Liv. yes, two nurses, the Dr and myself sat in Liv's room talking, laughing and going on and on about just how YUMMY these slushy treats were. This seemed to get Liv's attention and she wanted to TRY some of mine. In my mind I was ELATED, but I had to play a little game and tell her, "no way!" I am not sharing's too yummy to be shared! She pouts and looks at me like she cannot believe after all this, I won't share with her. The nurse offers to go make one for Liv, if she REALLY wants one, but she has to drink all of it. Guess what? Game WORKED, Liv finished it AND asked for another! This worked and she went potty!
Day Seven (holy smokes am I tired by this point!) 12/23/08
Doc visits us and Liv is happy as can be, drinking yet ANOTHER slushy. I'm silently wondering how in the world I'm going to get her away from this latest addiction, but I don't even care at this point! We get all her scripts for antibiotics, pain meds and all her Dr.'s orders. The nurses call up a team (a TEAM) of volunteers to bring up red wagons so I can load up all of our stuff and all the gifts that were dropped off by all the holiday well wishers that visited during our stay. This is it.....We are going HOME!

These particular visitors happen to be Cops Fighting Cancer . Funny thing, a couple years later I came to know the founder of this organization and he happens to be one of the greatest people I know! They are a fantastic organization to check out and also help support! :)
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