It was an early appointment at the allergist with Liv. Our day started at 5:00 am this morning - yuck! Neither Liv or myself were fully prepared for what that time of day feels like. We made the best of the hour drive and tossed in a Junie B Jones book on CD for our rush hour journey.
Nothing exceptional happened at the appointment, Liv saw one of the Dr's that she's seen in the past as well as her own allergist. Liv has had Staph infection in the past, due to her Eczema flaring up, and they were worried that we were going in that direction now. Lots of antibiotics (and I do mean a LOT), more wet wraps prescribed, good chats with the Dr's and nurse and we were on our way.

Oh, antibiotics.....
This past month has just been a tough one in general - it always is tough this time of year, but I'm never quite prepared for how it feels. If you've never had a "sick" child, beyond their health, you are just amazingly blessed. To have to tell person after person that the Dr has no answers as to WHY this is happening is hard. To be questioned by those around you and close to the situation, repeatedly just sucks (for lack of a better term). To have people tell you what "could" be going on, or comparing to what they know or have heard - frustrating (I know these are all said with good intentions). I mean, my Liv goes to the best hospital in the *nation* for respiratory illness and they are top notch for their advancements with allergies and Eczema as well (no really, we've had Dr's from around the *world* sit in on appts because they are learning from the Dr's we see). Now, because of who Liv's Dr's are, people expect them to have all the answers, well answers or "fixes" can't necessarily predict when something is going to go awry. Unfortunately, with my baby girl's health, there is a delicate balance and when one "ball" drops - everything else is just set off course. Her health tends to go off course from December to April of every year. Every year I sit, defeated until I just let it all out and move on. Today, thank goodness, two great friends didn't let me just sweep everything under the carpet - and I vented (*boy* did I vent). Tomorrow is a new day and tomorrow we carry on with this path that we've been put on.
I may sound incredibly down, I'm not, I'm tired. With that, I think it's time to call it a night and turn in - until next time, friends.
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