So, back to our stay in the ER. After an hour of sitting in her room, Liv seemed to calm even more. Something still was not right though, we weren't out of the woods yet. I couldn't see it (yet), but something was still brewing. I've never had that feeling of impending doom before, maybe I was crazy and just worked up because of the events leading up to this moment. THEN again, maybe I know my child and I knew something was just not right. I was not crazy, over worked or insane, Liv started tearing at her face and before I knew it she was red and puffing up all over again. Crap. THEN the lip chewing began all over. I called the nurse in, you could see on her face that she was not comfortable with this situation. The Dr. showed up right after the nurse walked in, he took one look at Liv and ordered ANOTHER dose of the Epi and Benadryl. I've heard of these recurring reactions, but never seen one in Liv before. What in the WORLD did she get into?! THAT was the million dollar question of the day, that's for sure. Again, Liv responded to the treatment and I was told it was going to be a long day for us. Typically they will watch a child for approximately 4 hours after being given Epi. We were going to be there well into the night and maybe longer. I accepted my fate and called my parents. My mom decided I needed a break, or just some company and came to visit us. Bless her, she brought all the ER necessities that I didn't have time to grab (other than her ER bag I keep in the trunk of my car).
Another hour had passed and Liv had napped...only to wake up flushed, feeling all around bad and....puffy. Great. I called the Dr (by now he gave me the number to his cell and hospital pager, NICE), he showed up pretty quickly and again the same orders for meds were given. I felt like I was in some crazy recurring nightmare.

The Dr and I came together to discuss what should happen as far as keeping Liv for observation or actually admitting her. We both decided admitting her was the best choice for the circumstance.
Two hours later we were being wheeled upstairs to begin what would be a 3 day stay.
There is still more to come on this post, but I will put that into another entry as well. I like to divide these stories into chapters, I promise to pull all the chapters together in the end. I will do this from time to time as you can see,this is just how I recall the stories in my mind.
On a side note, I'd like to take a moment here to mention another element of this situation. An outside, but incredibly important element, prayer (outside of my own quick prayer at the beginning). Do you remember prayer circles/chains, where you would call the first person on the list and they would in turn call the next, so on and so forth? Well, we had one of our own that day, but with a modern twist, Facebook. When my mom came, I took a moment to go out to my car and text a status to my Facebook. I was brief in explaining what happened that day, more importantly, I asked for prayer. I can't explain why I take these moments in emergency situations to ask for prayers, but my friends and family have never let me again, I asked for them. I got Liv's ER bag from my trunk and checked the status, in 4 minutes or so, I had a handful of friends let me know they were speaking directly to God for us. All they asked for in return were updates on the situation. I could handle that. By the nights end, there were at least 30 comments from friends/family asking for updates, letting me know they were praying for us and all around being the best support they could be. The thing that amazes me the most about all of that, these friends/family are scattered all over the country and beyond even that. Friends across the pond over in England and even Ireland were thinking of us in these tense moments. Other than my mom, I was physically alone with Liv...physically. In spirit, I had a bevy of friends and family holding my hand and keeping me strong for Liv. I'll never understand what I've done to deserve such good people in my life and I'll never take that for granted.
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