What? This is me taking life seriously, ha!
What I do know is that there are several things that are said to me (yep, repeatedly enough that I have a collection of them), that I am just over. Here is my smallish (maybe? It's growing by the day you know) list of things that continue to spike my blood pressure for a small moment in time.
"Oh, the *poor* girl/*you* poor child." (do NOT say this to my child directly, ever...unless you prefer that I shred your words and hand them back to you...).
(Start with sad looking face) "Wow, Billie - she looks just awful." Wow, okay...thank you - I think? I don't know if it's validation folks want to give or what...but they should keep that, seriously.
"So, what do you *feed* her exactly? I mean, can she even eat anything?" Well, as most children do, she *does* in fact eat and a ton at that.
"The girl should probably be in a bubble." You know what...screw you (forgive me, I'm vulgar at times and that was mild).
"I just don't know how you do it, you're supermom." This doesn't bother me, so much as baffles me. I never know just how to reply to it. My lack of general sense of emotion with others might be my own issue here though. I just feel I do what any mother or parent would do in my situation...face it head on and go with it. Right?
"Miss, the 'sick waiting room' is over there...." Yep, this was just last week as a matter of fact, mid reaction. If only my filter on my mouth didn't work so well. I talk a big game, but at the end of the day, I just quietly mess with people...I just smiled at her and continued to sit where we were, she got uncomfortable, apparently and moved. Meh, whatever.
"Oh she'll grow out of it, I had a cousin with a [insert any random allergy here] and she/he got rid of it." What? Are you kidding me with this? What could I possibly do with this? This does not give one hope, it makes us feel that You. So. Do. Not. Get. It. You should just move on and go about your business at this point. In all honesty, don't you think we know this is possible and probably know the possibility of our own child outgrowing their allergies? Most of us are not in this blindly (I would HOPE).
Now, back to me not worrying about being "PC"...if I know you and you've said any of these things to me, I've probably corrected/steered the conversation. Chances are, I'm not offended either, honestly. It's the stranger aspect that kills me. I have never understood the random stranger offering unsolicited and *uneducated* advice and/or sympathy.
Well, I'm tired and have a Dr appt to get Liv to tomorrow. Oh, you didn't think that because it's a weekend that we get breaks from these things, did ya?
Goodnight and as always, thanks for letting me rant/vent/ramble or whatever else this can be classified as doing.
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