Sunday, May 20, 2012

Atopic Derma-what?!

Atopic dermatitis is another term for Eczema. Atopic dermatitis is the more common way eczema is referred to at National Jewish Health.  Both 'dermatitis' and 'eczema' mean inflammation of the skin while 'atopic' is another way of referring to allergic conditions like asthma.

Atopic diseases such as asthma and atopic dermatitis are most likely genetic. Yep, if you have eczema you will most likely pass that down the line - Asthma too.

Liv (the *lucky* little ducky) has what is known as the "atopic march". This means that certain diseases develop over time, one after another - eczema (AD), allergies (mostly food in her case) and then asthma. The "march" doesn't always go in that order, but does start with eczema. Once eczema is on board the others are more likely to develop than in a child that does not have eczema. That *may* have been helpful to know years ago, but hey, Dr.'s that we've run across treat eczema like it's no big thing - regardless of how raw, red, irritated and inflamed a little one's skin may be. Sad. From about 3 months of age, Liv has struggled with this irritating and sometimes debilitating disease. I pressed and pressed Dr.'s for help for so many months to no avail. Thank goodness we came back to Colorado and started treatment at National Jewish.

What can irritate atopic dermatitis skin? During a flare up, anything and everything - flaring atopic dermatitis patients are walking open wounds - what doesn't irritate an open wound? There is an "itch/scratch" cycle that also happens during a flare up - this makes the AD kiddo absolutely mad and miserable (along with this mommy).

Some things that can irritate even calm AD skin (in Liv's case, at least):

  • Emotions - from extreme levels of laughter to sadness/crying to anxiety.
  • A hot and humid climate (causes sweat which is really hard on skin)
  • A dry climate- pulls moisture from skin (though our dry climate is ideal for Liv's asthma)
  • Dust mites - these little critters (cannot see with the naked eye) thrive on dead skin - they are found anywhere in the U.S outside of the Rocky Mountain region.
  • Allergies
  • Cold/flu
What can help make the AD patients' skin better (Liv's anyway)? Getting all diagnoses diagnosed and under control!! That was huge in our battle! Did you know that something as simple as nasal washes help AD?! There is so much bacteria breeding in our warm, dark and moist noses (you're welcome for the visual!) - specifically Staph (which Liv has had several times now). It's entirely too easy for kids (anybody really) to scratch/rub/pick their little bacteria breeding noses then scratch/touch those open wounds they call skin. Get that nose under control and watch their skin clear up before your eyes (okay, with the help of a few other steps)!!

Steps that were critical in creating a healthy skin barrier for the Livster:

  • The right topical steroid ointments for the right flare up areas.
  • Vanicream, Vanicream, Vanicream (oh, and did I mention LOADS of Vanicream?)!
  • Plastic spoons (yeppers, for the above mentioned Vanicream/ointments). You never want to stick your hands in lotion/cream/topical steroids as this contaminates them - this will just put bacteria right back on the ad patients' skin - never really bringing relief to them.
  • Learning what a Soak & Seal is and how to do this.
  • Wet Wrap Therapy - There is no better way to get water back into the skin, than to soak it in water and keep that moisture coming with the wet wraps!
  • Learning when and how to step down on any of the above routines and therapies.

So, I'm kind of over this "text book" post, but I felt it necessary. If you have any questions on how to find resolution or how to deal with any of the above listed irritants - please, contact me - I probably won't have the answer and am not a Dr., but I can find helpful links or suggestions for you.  Need help in the list of latter list (creating a healthy skin barrier), contact me. Again - not a Dr, but this isn't my first rodeo either. I'll hand out the suggestions and the links just the same. I do ask that you approach your Dr for the go ahead on any medical treatment - thanks.

Don't believe me that the costs and the treatments are worth it?

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