Yep, back to present day for this post!
We're on Day three (day THREEEEEE!!) of no antihistamines for Liv! I can't say that the past few days have been without incident, but they're passing none the less. Every so often I see the hives firing off. I see them in her cheeks, but they seem to go as quickly as they show. Her skin is taking a beating right now and I can't help but hurt for her. I feel like I'm torturing her for my own benefit, I know this to be false, but she hurts...I hurt.
In order to treat the Eczema we're doing some wet wraps which seem to be helping some. Now, if you've never had to do a wet wrap on your child, it's not fun. I might even suggest chucking your sanity out the window before you begin this painfully slow, but Heaven sent process. At any rate, Liv is pretty used to these and has learned they are aggravating at best, but make her feel better.
At the age of four, she is amazingly reasonable. I guess this comes from years of ER trips, shots, IV's and a plethora of regular daily meds. She knows which medicines are for what and which help her in emergencies.
All this said, I feel like I haven't said much at all. Eh....sorry about that.
Til next time.
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